The Lion King Jr.

June 2022 - Gas Station Theatre

Director Kathleen Henry

Musical Director Arielle Block

Assistant Musical Director Zoë Reider

Choreographer Kathleen Henry

Set Design Kathleen Henry

Costumes Kathleen Henry, Kathleen Fast, Kylee Kolesar, Anne Vetus

Makeup Anne Vetus

Lighting Design Todd Drader

Elephant, Hyena Masks Zoë Reider

Simba, an adventurous and energetic lion cub is next in line to be king of the Pride Lands, a thriving and beautiful region in the African savanna. When Simba’s father Mufasa is killed by his uncle Scar, though, Simba is led to believe that his father’s death is his fault, and he is encouraged to run away forever. Scar seizes power and with his already unstable mind deteriorating, the Pride Lands experiences a darkness and desolation from which only Simba can save the animals of the kingdom.