Adult Classes

Online options available for all classes

classes are ongoing


Wednesday at 7pm

Sunday at 11:30am

Saturday at 10:00 Strictly Barre

Musical Theatre Jazz

Thursdays at 7:30 This class will focus on movement fundamentals as well as learning choreography for musical theatre - a beginner jazz class


Tuesdays 8 pm - adult acting/improv class- by session- 1 hour


Intermediate - at 7pm

-Adult class tuition is paid for by session

-ballet classes are drop in of $15 or purchase a class card of 10 classes for $110 (November special) class cards expire in four months

-Argentine Tango is paid directly to instructor

- Tap is paid for by session in three yearly payments of $190

Argentine Tango

Saturdays at 7:30

Beginner and Intermediate levels offered

classes are followed by Practica or Milonga

for more info and details please see